A Closer Look
Inspired by Master Works from the Clark Art Institute
April 1- May 31, 2022
Artist’s Reception : Thursday, May 19. 5:00-8:00 PM.
Come for conversation and community!
The second exhibit of the Paper Collaborative is an exploration of paintings selected from the Sterling and Francis Clark Institute of Art.
The group initially gathered at the Clark to view the collection, discussed a variety of inspirational works, then retreated to their studios to begin a process of visual studies, research and experiments, adding to or abstracting from the original work to create new imagery. This exhibition includes exploratory sketches, collages, drawings and painting on paper that reveal diverse working processes, interpretation of master works, and use of media.
Participating artists are Catherine Dunning, Joanna Klain, Suzette Marie Martin, Diane Sawyer and Sarah Sutro. Source works from the Clark Institute include Piero della Francesca’s Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Angels, Winslow Homer’s watercolor painting A Good Pool, Saguenay River, and Nymphs and Satyr by William-Adolphe Bouguereau.