Artist Statement
What interests me is the chaotic mixture and circus-like quality of multimedia images influencing our visual lives. We are assaulted daily with opposing images that can create a surreal tension within us. This separation from our physical reality versus a virtual world manifests as a detached reality in our lives. How do we process this visual information?
Humor plays a definite role in my art, making light of the seriousness with which we take ourselves. I randomly choose imagery for each painting from many places in media, magazines, TV, movies, and books. My response to each image is personal. I choose what strikes me as most interesting on that day. The resulting painting can become a story, creating visual conversations.
My process involves drawing, using the computer program, photoshop, and then having large digital prints made as working sketches. From these prints I redraw onto primed wood or canvas and then paint on a larger scale in oils. Consequently, because of this process, a synthesis occurs from frequent changes. The final paintings have a new and different spirit from the original computer rendering.
Folk art, the black line and color fill of comic books, media icons all contribute to my vision. I thrive on the act of painting and the surprise that comes from making visual poetry.
Artist Biography
Mass College of Art, Boston, MA – BFA – 1991 Painting
School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA – Spring semester -1991
Exhibition History
October 2006 – Athens Cultural Center
Athens, New York
July 2006 – Eclipse Mill Gallery Group Show – “Expressions in Color’
November 2005 – Eclipse Mill Group Show
November 2004 – Waltham Open Studios
Waltham, MA – yearly November Open Studios 1987 – 2004
June 2001 – Gala Celebration and Benefit Auction, Artists West Studios, Waltham, MA
February 2000- “New Media Digital Art”, Gallery at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston MA
Contact Information
Mailing Address
- 243 Union St. 310
North Adams, MA 01247